Picture: You shouldn’t be left alone when having issues with your child’s behaviour. Picture: Pixabay

Children’s behavioral issues are quite common, but usually, the children learn to manage their emotions and control their behavior. However, in some cases, this development does not occur, and conduct disorders are recognized in childern in different ways. (Aronen 2016.) These behavioral problems and conduct disorders require a lot of resources from the family. Parents may be at a loss as to what should be done.

The generally increased search for information has caused people, among other things, more health anxiety. Regarding parenting, the information available online can bring certainty to parenting, but the disadvantage is also the confusion, stress and weakened confidence in one’s own parenting skills caused by the flood of information. (Glatz & Lippold 2023.) For example, grandparents may negatively stir the pot with confusing and out-of-date information, and the help and tips on internet forums encourage operating models that do not necessarily have a scientific basis.

When searching for information, we should be critical of the source and focus on scientific studies, because health information found on the internet can often be misleading and incomplete (Peng 2022). The question really is, where can we get scientific and effective support for a child’s behavioral disorders? The Voimaperheet – method could be helpful and solve challenging situations and make life easier for the whole family.

Conduct disorders – what do they mean?

Stretching boundaries and expressing defiance are part of normal child development.  However, conduct disorders are complex disorders characterized by long-term antisocial, violent, or defiant behavior. Behind the child’s behavior may be trauma experiences, depression, or neuropsychiatric problems. Severe conduct disorders can cause dangerous situations at home and school and raise fears about how to deal with the problems. It is important that the child and his or her family receive help in time.

Conduct disorders can show up as fighting, bullying, tantrums, or aggressive behavior. Symptoms may also include minor resistance to authority, rudeness, and inability to cooperate. Aggressive behavior can be targeted at adults, objects, or other children.

By improving and strengthening children’s emotional, interaction, and problem-solving abilities, it is possible to prevent the emergence of children’s conduct disorders.  Also providing support for factors that increase the risk of developing conduct disorders is proven to be effective. (Puustjärvi and Repokari 2017.)

An effective way to treat conduct disorders is structured guidance for parents to support their and their children’s positive relationship and strengthen positive behavior. For older children the most effective ways to help and prevent those disorders are those psychosocial interventions directed to their parents and networks. The conclusion is that we shouldn’t be left alone when having issues with the child’s behaviour or the relationship when there is much information and many methods to be used. (Käypähoito -suositus 2018.)

Power Families – The Voimaperheet parent training intervention method

The Voimaperheet intervention method was developed for professionals as a tool to support parents whose children have difficulties with behaviour, defiance, concentration, or attention. The method was developed together with the Research Centre for Child Psychiatry at the University of Turku in cooperation with a Canadian research group and primary health care. The Voimaperheet intervention method includes parental guidance, which is implemented as web-based guidance regardless of time and place. In Finland, the method is used in maternity and child health clinics, family counselling clinics, early childhood education and care and schools, and professionals are trained for the work. Parents can get help raising their children at home through a remote service, making it easier to participate even from the comfort of one’s own home. Power family coaches can call or remotely contact parents. In the Power Families model, the evidence of effectiveness is good. A comparative study has shown that children who participated in the Voimaperheet intervention have fewer psychiatric diagnoses and that functional disorders have decreased significantly compared to the control group. The pilot study was carried out in the context of the four-year audit using a questionnaire between 2010 and 2011. In the study, remote treatment of children’s behavioural problems was successful, behavioural problems were reduced and parenting skills improved significantly. (Kasvun tuki sinne anno.)

Don’t be left alone

Recognizing children’s conduct disorders and the right guidance methods for parents affect the well-being of the whole family. Getting help for a family is possible with a low threshold in the midst of the rush of everyday life. As a parent, we should have the courage to discuss our child’s conduct disorders with a health care professional. Studies have shown that effective help is available for parenting challenges, so no one needs to be left alone with those.

Authors/ Written by 

Saija Manninen, Meri Leinonen, Saara Väisänen and Jenni Kinnunen, Health and Welfare Coordinator- students


Aronen, Eeva 2016. Lasten häiriökäyttäytyminen. Lääketieteellinen aikakauskirja Duodecim. 2016;132(10):961-6. https://www.duodecimlehti.fi/duo13145 Accessed 26.3.2024.

Glatz, Terese, Lippold, Melissa A 2023. Is more information always better? Associations among parents’ online information searching, information overload, and self-efficacy. International Journal of Behavioral Development 2023, Vol. 47(5) 444–453. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/01650254231190883 Accessed 13.2.2024.

Kasvun tuki sinne anno. Voimaperheet. Website. https://kasvuntuki.fi/menetelmat/voimaperheet/#Menetelmnkuvaus. Accessed 16.2.2024.

Käypähoito-suositus 2018. Käytöshäiriöt (lapset ja nuoret). Suomalaisen Lääkäriseuran Duodecimin, Suomen lastenpsykiatriyhdistyksen, Suomen nuorisopsykiatrisen yhdistyksen ja Suomen Psykiatriyhdistyksen Nuorisopsykiatrian jaoksen asettama työryhmä. Helsinki: Suomalainen Lääkäriseura Duodecim, 2018. Available online: Käytöshäiriöt (lapset ja nuoret) (kaypahoito.fi). Accessed 21.2.2024.

Peng, Rachel X, 2022. How online searches fuel health anxiety: Investigating the link between health-related searches, health anxiety, and future intention. Computer in Human Behavior Volume 136, 107384. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0747563222002060 Accessed 13.2.2024.

Puustjärvi, Anita ja Repokari, Leena 2017. Lasten käytöshäiriöihin tulee puuttua ajoissa. Lääkärilehti 21/2017 vsk 72s. 1364 – 1369. Article. http://www.laakarilehti.fi.ezproxy.savonia.fi/tieteessa/katsausartikkeli/lasten-kaytoshairioihin-tulee-puuttua-ajoissa/. Accessed 13.2.2024.

Turun yliopisto. Voimaperheet – digitaaliset ohjelmat lasten ja perheiden hyvinvoinnin tukena. Website. https://sites.utu.fi/voimaperheet/. Accessed 16.2.2024.

Empowering families from the home sofa


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