In today’s healthcare landscape, nursing leadership has evolved into a more complex role (Hyrkäs, Appelqvist-Schmidlechner & Kivimäki 2005, 209). Simultaneously, the global nursing workforce faces a critical shortage, threatening healthcare system stability and staff welfare. This shortage of healthcare personnel
Physical Exercise class for workplaces – Is that the solution to coping at work?
Have you heard of an adult PE class? It’s an ingenious idea by two advertising agency entrepreneurs to get people moving during working hours and restore the Finnish people’s physical activity. The entrepreneurs Elovaara and Lehtinen initially launched the experiment
Rules of the game – pet friends at the workplace
What are the real benefits and impacts of pets among employees? Can we find new ways to help employees recover from work better and faster? Is there a way to reduce mental health problems among working-age? For a long time,
Empowering families from the home sofa
Children’s behavioral issues are quite common, but usually, the children learn to manage their emotions and control their behavior. However, in some cases, this development does not occur, and conduct disorders are recognized in childern in different ways. (Aronen 2016.)
Smartwatches – a threat or an opportunity?
In today’s world, technological advancements have opened new possibilities for maintaining our physical health and wellness. A wide range of wellness technology applications and devices are now available that enable us to track our physical activity and monitor the body’s
Tackling bullying belongs to everyone – not just the effective KiVa program
“Human distress is real”, says the mother who lost her child to suicide. The girl was a victim of bullying at school for 2,5 years before she finally committed suicide. (Julkunen 2023.) Unfortunately, this kind of news has become more
Encountering a multicultural patient in healthcare
Multiculturalism and internationalization of nursing practice is a key area in nursing education. The goal is the internationalization of Finnish education, to which universities and universities of applied sciences invest. The number of immigrant clients, which are related to refugee
Kotihoidon työhyvinvointi kuntoon
Artikkeli liittyy Sosionomi YAMK-opinnäytetyöhöni, jonka aiheena oli työhyvinvoinnin kehittäminen kotihoidossa. Haasteet Kotihoitoon tullaan tarvitsemaan tulevaisuudessa hoitajia, koska asiakasmäärä tulee kasvamaan paljon. Väestö vanhenee ja muistisairaudet lisääntyvät samalla, kun asumispalvelupaikkoja vähennetään. Lisäksi lähihoitajia kouluttautuu entistä vähemmän ja hoitajista on pula. Hoitoala
KOHDATAAN! Mutta kenen ehdoilla?
Kohtaamisen merkityksestä, sen toteutumisesta sekä toteuttamisesta puhutaan asiakastyössä paljon. Mutta millä tavalla se oikeasti toteutuu? Entäpä kenen ehdoilla ja tarpeista lähtien sitä toteutetaan? Kohtaamiseen ja vuorovaikutukseen sekä sen kehittämiseen on olemassa lukemattomia oppaita. Organisaatiot myös kouluttavat työntekijöitään parempiin vuorovaikutustaitoihin ja
Youth worker Skill Workshop (YSW)
I am studying for a Master’s degree in Welfare Coordination (Master of Applied Sciences) at Savonia University of Applied Sciences and I decided to complete my studies by participating in a training course in Luxemburg in April 2024. There I