What are the real benefits and impacts of pets among employees? Can we find new ways to help employees recover from work better and faster? Is there a way to reduce mental health problems among working-age? For a long time, there has been discussion and research about the effects of animal assistance on client well-being. Could we use this information to improve also occupational health in all workplaces? For some people, these best friends are the benefits of the work but at the same time, some coworkers cannot stand any animals at the workplace.
People’s experiences with animals in the workplace have been studied recently. Qualitative research is often used to describe and analyze experiences with animals, so evaluating the effectiveness is a little more challenging. Measuring effectiveness is usually associated with quantitative research (Vataja 2020).

Jane at work. Photo: Lis-Mari Kivelä.

Advantages for well-being

One of many ways to increase occupational well-being effectiveness is the arrival of pets at the workplace. A cat or dog isn’t only an animal, but a member of a family.  It’s also a way to combine the worker’s working life and leisure. There is evidence in the research that pets improve their owner’s productivity and enhance creativity. The animal’s presence decreases stress and for example, reduces blood pressure. In addition, pets can contribute to the interaction with other employees. It has been noticed that people are more friendly to others when there are pets around. This may be significant to the organization’s image and even bring more customers. (Wilkin, Fairlie & Ezzedeen 2016, 96–109; Foreman, Glenn, Meade & Wirth 2017, 498.) The employer’s positive approach to pets has added to the interest in the workplace. It has been noted that a pet-friendly workplace could manage recruitment better. Some will choose a job with a lower salary than a workplace that forbids animals. The permit of pets can contribute to the growth in productivity and the employee’s commitment to the company. Employees are less absent from work and they also have greater satisfaction with the job. (Wilkin, Fairlie & Ezzedeen 2016, 96–109; Foreman, Glenn, Meade & Wirth 2017, 498.)
Junca-Silva (2023, 3) developed the so-called Furr-recovery method and integrated it into micro-breaks. The studies show that taking a short recovery break from work is even more effective if you can take it with your furry friend. Micro-breaks that include animal interaction help recover energy, regulate emotions and minimize the effects of negative events. Animals also detach employees from work better than for example just a normal coffee break, so micro-brakes are more efficient. (Junça-Silva 2023, 3). It is acknowledged that the urge to touch a pet can even be a biological need and neuroscience studies show that even looking or talking to a dog releases oxytocin and reduces feelings of fear or anxiety. (Junça-Silva 2022, 5).

Potential challenges

When the management of the organization allows animals in the workplace, certain things must be taken into account. Some legislation must be followed at the workplace and insurance issues must be clear. If the property is rented, permission must be asked from the property owner. For example, a dog may cause dangerous situations by accidentally knocking people over. If the animal causes danger in the workplace, the owners are always responsible for their animal. Just like humans, animals also need breaks from work. The rest area should be peaceful and fresh water should be available there. Employees must know how to observe the signs of stress in the animal. (Hautamäki, Ramadan & Vilhunen 2021, 33–34; Nevala 2022, 45-50.) Some people don’t like pets or animals in general. For them, dogs in offices, restaurants, or shops is almost an unbearable thought. There might be some fear, some diseases, or other bad experiences with the dogs. They cannot be blamed for that. If a person has a bad memory about someone’s four-legged friend, there’s no help if the owner says that my Hannibal is such a nice fellow, you don’t need to scare him at all. Or there might be some serious allergies, which can activate from small amounts of animal dandruff. Luckily, research indicates that allergies are quite a small threat. Dogs visit elderly homes, hospitals, and other public places and the benefits are greater than the risks for any disease to activate. (Yleisradio 2018.)

Which scale matters the most when we are thinking about bringing the pets to work, the pros or the cons?


Qualitative research shows clearly that pets in the workplace have more advantages than disadvantages. Now that we have opened the discussion about whether or not pets should be allowed in the workplace, should there be a discussion about what all we can bring to the workplace next? Maybe kids or elderly? Should this be mentioned in the job advertisement? Is it the future that animals are already talked about in job advertisements? Can the employer ask in a job interview if you like animals?

So, it needs much talking in our communities about the rules of the game, and what is allowed in our shared places and what is not.

Authors/ Written by 

Miia Hallikainen, Sari Hoffren, Sini Karhunen, Päivi Parviainen and Anu Särkkä, Health and Welfare Coordinator- students


Foreman, Anne, M., Glenn, Margaret, K., Meade, Jean, B. & Wirth, Oliver 2017. Dogs in the Workplace: A Review of the Benefits and Potential Challenges. International journal of environmental research and public health 14, 498. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph14050498. Accessed 5.2.2024.
Hautamäki, Lotta, Ramadan, Farid & Vilhunen, Tuuli 2021. Millainen on hyvä eläinavusteinen interventio? Käsikirja eläinavusteisten menetelmien laadukkaaseen toteuttamiseen eri toimintaympäristöissä. Kansaneläkelaitos. http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi-fe2021061738238. Accessed 14.2.2024.
Junça-Silva, Ana 2002. Unleashing the Furr-Recovery Method: Interacting with Pets in Teleworking Replenishes the Self’s Regulatory Resources: Evidence from a Daily-Diary Study. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20010518. Accessed 8.2.2024.
Junça-Silva, Ana 2023. ´Pawing’ uncertainty! how dogs attenuate the impact of daily hassles at work on uncertainty. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40359-023-01295-z. Accessed 8.2.2024.
Nevala, Niina 2022. Toimistokoirien merkitys työntekijöiden kokemaan työhyvinvointiin. Johtamisen ja organisoinnin pro gradu-tutkielma. Turun yliopisto. https://www.utupub.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/154300/nevala_niina_opinnayte.pdfsequence=1. Accessed 14.2.2024.
Wilkin, Christa, L., Fairlie, Paul & Ezzedeen, Souha R. 2016. Who let the dogs in? A look at pet-friendly workplaces. International Journal of Workplace Health Management 9 (1), 96–109. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJWHM-04-2015-0021. Accessed 5.2.2024.
Vataja Katri. 2020. Vaikuttavuusarviointia monimutkaiseen maailmaan. Sitra. https://www.sitra.fi/artikkelit/vaikuttavuusarviointia-monimutkaiseen-maailmaan/. Accessed 9.2.2024.
Yleisradio 2018. Toimistokoira voi luoda työpaikalle rennon ilmapiirin – “Ennemmin positiivinen ongelma kuin työajan syöppö”. Published 16.1.2018. https://yle.fi/a/3-9954229. Accessed 12.1.2024.

Rules of the game – pet friends at the workplace


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