In today’s healthcare landscape, nursing leadership has evolved into a more complex role (Hyrkäs, Appelqvist-Schmidlechner & Kivimäki 2005, 209). Simultaneously, the global nursing workforce faces a critical shortage, threatening healthcare system stability and staff welfare. This shortage of healthcare personnel increases care demands and challenges organizations because retaining nurses often leave due to job dissatisfaction. (Scammell 2016, 226.) 

Job satisfaction is essential in a nurse’s decision to continue in the profession or to depart

Various elements contribute to this satisfaction, including salary, interpersonal relationships, career advancement opportunities, managerial practices, and workplace autonomy. (Li et al. 2019, 54.) Effective nursing leadership involves fostering job satisfaction through supportive leadership that prioritizes professional development, equitable evaluations, autonomy, and resource enhancement. (Karami, Farohzadian & Golnaz 2017, 11-12.)

Cohen et al. 2009 indicated that nurses leaving the profession often cite a lack of managerial support and an environment resistant to innovation. Therefore, fostering a sense of equity in managerial interactions and decision-making processes can significantly improve job satisfaction and reduce turnover rates. (Zahednezhad et al. 2021, 1746.) 

Picture 1. One unburnt, ten burnt. Picture: Pixabay 

Leadership’s Impact on Fostering Well-being and Health in Healthcare Settings

Leadership within healthcare realms is fundamentally intertwined with the well-being of its workforce, whose dedication to the art of healing is paramount. Effective leadership is the foundation for creating a supportive working environment that reduces stress, supports the balance between work and personal life, invests in continuous professional development and promotes open communication. By valuing healthcare professionals’ well-being, leaders not only reinforce the satisfaction and fulfilment of their teams but also significantly elevate the quality of patient care, marked by compassion and competence. At the heart of exceptional, empathetic nursing care lies a commitment to promoting health and well-being. Therefore, job satisfaction stands as the cornerstone in effectively implementing and ensuring the quality of health and well-being initiatives. (AdventHealth 2020.) 

Optimal Leadership Styles for the Healthcare Domain 

The essence of superior nursing care lies in promoting health and well-being. Thus, job satisfaction is crucial for the successful implementation and quality assurance of health promotion initiatives. 

In the healthcare domain, transformational leadership is often the most effective approach, fostering employee engagement and satisfaction. (AdventHealth 2020.) This leadership style inspires staff towards a common vision while providing personalized support and feedback. Transformational leaders cultivate a culture of accountability, innovation, and quality care, essential for the success of healthcare organizations. ( 2023.)

Servant leadership, characterized by its humanistic and empathetic approach, enhances nurses’ ability to express themselves and innovate. Transformational leadership is a proactive style that inspires and motivates employees to exceed expectations and embrace change. It works hand in hand with transactional leadership, a more managerial style based on a system of rewards and punishments, to boost motivation, intellectual stimulation, job satisfaction, and performance. (Ariani, Sansuwito, Prasanth & Novera 2022.) 

Paternalistic leadership treats nurses as family members and laissez-faire leadership allows for independent decision-making. Both improve performance, but the influence of paternalistic leadership is more significant. Entrepreneurial leadership promotes innovation and risk-taking, fostering innovative behaviors that improve performance. (Alsadaan, Salameh, Reshia, Alruwaili RF, Ali, Alruwaili M, Hefnawy, Alshammari, Alrumayh, Alruwaili AO & Jones 2023.) 

Lastly, a head nurse’s leadership competence is shaped by their professional experience and academic pursuits, as highlighted in Räsänen’s 2022 research. This leadership competence is crucial in managing and guiding nursing teams effectively. (Räsänen 2022, 113.)

Authors/ Written by

Kati Karjalainen, RDH, Health and Welfare Coordinator- student
Elisa Leinonen, Health and Welfare Coordinator – student
Sonja Seppänen,, Health and Welfare Coordinator – student
Haniyeh Ozroudi, Health and Welfare Coordinator – student


AdventHealth University 2020. 5 Types of Leadership Styles in Healthcare. Internet publication. Accessed 11.3.2024.

Alsadaan, Nourah, Salameh, Basma, Reshia, Fadia Ahmed Abdelkader, Alruwaili, Reem F., Alruwaili, Majed, Ali, Shaimaa Ahmed Awad, Alruwaili, Abeer Nuwayfi, Hefnawy, Gehan Refat, Alshammari, Maha Suwailem S., Alrumayh, Afrah Ghazi Rumayh, Alruwaili, Alya Olayan, Jones & Linda Katherine 2023. Impact of Nurse Leaders Behaviors on Nursing Staff Performance: A Systematic Review of Literature. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing; Volume 60, January-December 2023. Internet publication 2.1.2023. DOI: 10.1177/00469580231178528. Accessed 19.4.2024.

Ariani Nita, Sansuwito Tukimin, Prasanth Rames, Novera Milya 2022. The effect of leadership styles on nurse performances and job satisfaction among nurses in Dumai Public Hospital: technological innovation as mediator. Malays J Medicine Health Sci. PDF file. Accessed 19.4.2024.

Cohen, Jayne, Stuenkel, Diane & Nguyen, Quyen 2009. Providing a Healthy Work Environment for Nurses: The Influence on Retention. Journal of Nursing Care Quality 24(4): 308-315, October 2009. DOI: 10.1097/NCQ.0b013e3181a4699a. Accessed 17.3.2024.

Hyrkäs, Kristiina, Appelqvist-Schmidlechner, Kaija & Kivimäki Kirsti 2005. First-line managers views of the long-term effects of clinical supervision: how does clinical supervision support and develop leadership in health care? Journal of Nursing Management 13, 209–220.  Accessed 17.3.2024.

Indeed 2023. Leadership in Health Care: Definition, Qualities, and Styles. Internet publication. Accessed 11.3.2024.

Karami, Abbas, Farohzadian, Jamileh & Golnaz, Foroughameri 2017. Nurses’ professionas competency and organizational commintment: Is it important for human resource management? Journal of PLoS One, Nov 8;12(11). Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0187863. eCollection 2017.  Accessed 17.3.2024.

Li, Na, Zhang Lichuan, Xiao Guangqing, Chen Jie & Lu Qian 2019 The relationship between workplace violence, job satisfaction and turnover intention in emergency nurses. International Emergency Nursing, 45, 50–55.  Accessed 17.3.2024.

Räsänen, Marjo 2022. Tampereen yliopisto. Dialoginen johtaminen lähijohtamisen kompetenssien kehittäjänä terveydenhuollossa. Hoitotyön johtamiskompetenssi ja sen vaikutukset lähijohtamiseen: premissi 5/2014 Vo.9 52. Accessed 14.3.2024.

Scammel, Janet 2016. ‘Prioritise people’: the importance of anti-oppressive practice. Bristish Journal of Nursing, 25(4):226. Doi: 10.12968/bjon.2016.25.4.226 Accessed 17.3.2024.

Zahednezhad,  Hosein,  Hoseini, Armin, Ebadi, Abbas,  Farokhnezhad  Afshar, Pouya &  Ghanei, Reza 2021. Investigating the relationship between organi-zational justice, job satisfaction, and intention to leave the nursing profession:  A cross-sectional study.  Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(4), 1741–1750.  .Accessed 17.3.2024.

Nursing leadership’s Impact on Employee Retention and Well-being: Promoting Health in Healthcare Settings


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