Even up to 28 % of employees decide to resign during the first 90 days of their employment. Did the content of the work correspond to reality? With good orientation, we could influence these figures. This work orientation method is called preboarding. https://rema.fi/
We all certainly have the experience of starting a new job.
It is often exciting, and for some people it can be stressful as well. Your only chance to ask questions concerning the job might be the time you are at the job interview.
However, during the interview most people focus on answering the questions, not asking ones. Usually, the first workday is also the first opportunity to visit the actual workplace facilities. That can be weeks or even months after the interview. https://rema.fi/3-perehdyttamisen-ongelmaa-jotka-digitaalinen-esiperehdyttaminen-ratkaisee/
What if you could start orientation to the new job soon after you have been chosen to the job? As a new employee you could meet your co-workers and get some useful information about the organization – all this while waiting for the new job to begin.
– Keep reading! You will learn about preboarding and why it should be used in every organization.

Picture 2. Preboarding is a bridge between recruitment and the first workday. Picture: Pxhere
Preboarding is a way to share information that is useful to new employee before starting the job. Best way to implement preboarding is to create the content into digital format. That way the employee can go through the material when and wherever wanted. Some examples of the content of preboarding:
- Greetings from the new co-workers. Maybe a short video from everyone?
- Information about working hours, possible door codes or keys, parking etc.
- Introduction to work tasks and responsibilities
- Virtual tour to workplace facilities
- Possible employment benefits
For example
iLOQ is a company operating in the locking industry from Oulu, Finland. In addition to the Oulu head office, they also have organizations in nine different countries.
- As employee satisfaction is one of our strategic cornerstones, facilitating new employee’s start-up at iLOQ with introducing our culture, values, feel and general knowledge creates a true belonging to iLOQ-family.
Timo Pirskanen, CFO of iLOQ Group
How Could You Use PREBOARDING?
- You can enhance your employer image and lure talented workers.
- You can, to commit new workers faster into your strategy and values.
- Your new workers internalize their job descriptions and become productive faster.
- You can reduce unnecessary or early resignations that resulted from useless preboarding.
- You can follow the new recruit’s progress digitally and in real time. This way, you can also offer additional support in case it’s needed.
- You can increase well-being at work and sense of belonging of your staff.
- You confirm the encouraging community spirit among staff.
- You reinforce best practices, into your corporate culture.
- You strengthen your company’s reputation as an excellent employer and confirm your value in the job market.
- With preboarding we have had more time to allocate to hands on training, while basics or standard level things have been already learnt online.
Timo Pirskanen, CFO of iLOQ Group

Picture 3. Good orientation makes people want
to stay at the new job.
Picture: Pixabay.
Only your imagination is the limit when designing the digital content to preboarding,
A ticket to a new career – “Keep this coupon”!
Blog writers: Ahtonen Päivi, Haataja Marjo and Heiskanen Mira, Hyvinvointikoordinaattori-opiskelijat, Savonia-Ammattikorkeakoulu
iLOQ 2017. About us. Viitattu 25.4.2021.https://www.iloq.com/en-uk/company/about-us/
Pirskanen, Timo 2021. CFO of iLOQ Group. Haastattelu 25.3.2021.
Rema 2019. Perehdytys on lääke. Viitattu 27.3.2021. https://rema.fi/perehdytys-on-laake-ennenaikaisiin-irtisanoutumisiin-jopa-30-lahtee-uudesta-tyostaan-ensimmaisen-90-paivan-aikana/
Rema 2019. 3 perehdyttämisen ongelmaa. Viitattu 16.4.2021. https://rema.fi/3-perehdyttamisen-ongelmaa-jotka-digitaalinen-esiperehdyttaminen-ratkaisee/
Rema 2019. Onboarding -didgitaalinen perehdytysohjelma. Viitattu 28.4.2021. https://rema.fi/onboarding-digitaalinen-perehdytysohjelma/