Mindfulness is a proven and effective way to a more relaxed mind. Mindfulness is about being in the moment; the experience of experiencing what is happening right now and accepting the moment as it is. Our minds often wander into the past or the future, and these images can easily become cloaked in unnecessary fear. Mindfulness is a good way to relieve stress, pain and anxiety. As well as improving your mental wellbeing, it also improves your physical health. (Mieli, 2023).

I am extremely happy when I am present in the moment. I can see and feel the warmth of the sun on my skin and see the rays of life. Exercise restores me and makes me focus on the moment. Exercise gives strength and strength in my life. People who are close to me bring a smile to my face and a feeling of warmth inside on me. I am valuable, I matter, and I am enough just like that. So are yuo.

The well-being of the mind consists of small choices in everyday life; health, relationships, meaningful leisure and experiences of meaningful things. Exercise supports mental wellbeing by, among other things, stimulating blood flow to the brain, which in turn enhances cognitive function. (UKK- instituutti, 2024).

Taking good care of ourselves and each other. Life is here and now. It´s not about yesterday or tomorror. Let”s be brave and live from the inside. Let us see all that good in us and let it shine. We can learn from adcversity and be merciful to ourselves. Good feeds good and a clear conscience frees up space to live a life of our dreams. Yuo know, yuo can and yuo are able. Be proud of yuorself.

Here are some ideas that have been helpful to me in the midst of change and have helped me to keep moving forward in the face of choices big and small.

All the best of your day =)

This is my first blog post on sources of wellbeing. 

Yours sincerely Anna. Allmost graduating hyvinvointikoordinaattori


Mieli 12.09.2019. Mitä ovat mindfulness -tietoisuustaidot? Viitattu 02.05.2024. Saatavissa: Mitä ovat mindfulness -tietoisuustaidot? – MIELI ry

UKK- instituutti 07.05.2024. Liikunta ja mielenhyvinvointi. Viitattu 02.05.2024. Saatavissa: Liikunta ja mielen hyvinvointi – UKK-instituutti (ukkinstituutti.fi)

Inner peace grows with mindfulness


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