In a world where the trauma of violence and the struggle of immigration intersect, the journey towards healing and empowerment is often fraught with challenges. Yet, it is within this complex landscape that a group of resilient women have found
Can we learn to be more healthy?
Promoting well-being is already quite challenging these days. Sometimes I dream of being able to travel back in time to the time of Florence Nightingale. They were just beginning to understand that washing your hands can prevent diseases and save
Home care as a multicultural work community
The purpose of home care is to support especially elderly people living at home. With the help of home care client work, the client is supported, for example, in hygiene care, dressing, eating, or implementing medical care. Also, the everyday
Make dreams come true in Iceland!

In May 2022, we had wonderful opportunity to visit Reykjavik, Iceland. Reykjavik is the capital city of Iceland with a population of 133 000, the same size as my hometown Jyväskylä. Iceland has developed long and systematically the well-being of
Miten kehittää elintapavalmennusta? Neljä tärkeää kohtaa, jotka sinun kannattaa huomioida!
Kuuntelin, American college of Lifestyle Medicinen luentoja elintapavalmennuksesta ja vastaani tuli luento, jossa kerrottiin tavoista viedä tehokkaasti elintapavalmennusta lääketiedettä opiskeleville Harvardissa (Frates Beth, 2017). Huomasin nopeasti, että lopultakin kuuntelen luentoa, jossa puhutaan käytännön edistämisestä ja vielä mielenkiintoisella tavalla. Kuva 1.
Study tour to Brussels in Septemer 2019
We were excited to see beautiful and warm Bryssel city, but unfortunately it wasnt like that. Mostly of days there were rains and cloudy. We came to Bryssel different days. On monday there were nice weather, over 20 degrees. Part
Do digital services promote well-being?
Study trip to Brussels 23.-27.9.2019 European Parliament. Picture: Heli Nissinen Does the digital services promote of well-being? The books of the library are borrowed from the machine, doors are opened with electrical codes,
How does, a world championship of wife carrying, effects on small municipalitys well-being.
I have done some research on the history of wife carrying event. It has long roots and has a huge impact on residents of Sonkajärvi. Now I try to list a few of these things, that increase well-being of municipality.
Javelin Carnival – international health promotion at the real life
Experiences of Javelin Carnival in June 2019. Day 1 First day in javelin carnival start on sunny day. In the morning I was with international group, when they had a throw exercise. The British team is in the javelin carnival
Memox visit in mind and hygge memories in suitcases

Wednesday 28th of August 2019: Our last day in Denmark started again early at the central travel center. We used Rejseplanen, the Danish Journey Planner, to take us easily to the meeting that ends our rewarding study trip. We were