Caregivers’ everyday life is often lonely and hard. Caregiving often causes narrowing of social relatioships and activities done out of home decrease. Digitalization gives opportunities to feel and remember experiences, which for some reason are not so easy to reach
PREBOARDING – A ticket to a new career
Even up to 28 % of employees decide to resign during the first 90 days of their employment. Did the content of the work correspond to reality? With good orientation, we could influence these figures. This work orientation method is
Are you ready to get rid of the digital overload – controlling the digital overload is part of your digital skills
Are you feeling tiredness and lack of concentration? Are you suffering from digital overload or digital anxiety? Society is digitalizing at a terrific speed. Corona pandemic caused the urgent need to modernize services and functions into digital form causing the
Online appointments benefit many patients
International studies report on many benefits achieved by online appointments. For example, patients’ waiting time is shortened. During Covid-19 online appointments have reduced the risk of infection. Also costs for travelling to appointment facilities have decreasedand the quality of appointments
Ihanien ipanoiden Iisalmi – Digital storytelling project
Iisalmi city celebrates its 130th anniversary this year and they organize a projec called Ihanien Ipanoiden Iisalmi. We are three welfare coordinator students from Savonia University of Applied Sciences. Our studies began in the fall of 2020. In the first
Digital storytelling – a powerful method to promote child participation
In Finland, the rights of the child are considered important in all areas of society. The vision of the national children ’s strategy published this year is that the impact of activities on children is carefully assessed. Another vision in
Advantages and challenges of clinical supervision online in social and health care
Clinical supervision is a working method which promotes employees’ well-being at work and the development of organizational activities. It is a learning process where employees meet multiple times. The meetings are usually every month or a few times a month.
Development of digitalization in Jälkkäri school morning and afternoon activities
– Everything is fun in Jälkkäri! I like building huts, crafting and playing with hobby horses with Veera, says one child in Jälkkäri participant survey. Jälkkäri, school morning and afternoon activities have been organized in Jyväskylä for 23 years. Jälkkäri
Työhyvinvoinnin vuosikello- varhaiskasvatuksen työhyvinvointia kehittämässä
Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen Terveys 2011- tutkimuksen osahankkeessa selvitettiin työuupumuksen yleisyyttä, vakavuutta ja sosiodemografisia taustatekijöitä 30 vuotta täyttäneessä suomalaisessa väestössä vuosina 2011-2012. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että työuupumusta oli runsaalla neljänneksellä työikäisistä aikuisista, naisista 24 prosentilla esiintyi lievää ja kolmella prosentilla vakavaa
Ipana – raskausajan digitaalinen palvelu
Digitalisaatio on yksi tämän hetken suurimmista muutoksista monella alalla – niin myös sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. Valtiovarainministeriö (2018, 1) linjaa muutoksia kohti digitalisaatiota; viranomaiset velvoitetaan tarjoamaan kansalaisille digitaalisia palveluita. Ketään ei voida kuitenkaan pakottaa käyttämään digitaalisia palveluita. Tavoitteena kuitenkin on, että